Manual Therapy

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Manual Therapy

in order to improve mobility in areas that are restricted

Manual therapy refers to the assessment and treatment of neurological, cardio-respiratory and orthopedic problems through the use of hands-on techniques like manipulation and mobilization. These techniques are used to reduce pain, increase range of motion, reduce or eliminate inflammation and facilitate the ease of movement. Physical therapists focus on the nerves, soft tissues and connective tissue (fascia), and/or on enhancing joint movement beyond its range of motion with the use of high velocity, low amplitude force.

Manual therapy can also involve prescribed exercises—in the clinic or at home—as well as electro-therapy treatments, like therapeutic ultrasound.

Application of an accurately determined and specifically directed manual force to the body, in order to improve mobility in areas that are restricted; in joints, in connective tissues or in skeletal muscles.

Manual therapy techniques- Maitland technique

Mulligan technique